
Pathology of antibody-mediated rejection in renal allograft

  • 摘要: 抗体介导的排斥反应(AMR)亦称体液性排斥反应,是由抗体、补体等多种体液免疫效应因子参与所致的排斥反应免疫损伤。AMR在超急性排斥反应、急性排斥反应以及慢性排斥反应中均发挥了重要的致病作用。本文对AMR的基本定义、Banff移植病理学诊断标准(Banff标准)中AMR病理学的研究历程及其主要成果以及移植肾AMR的主要病变特征进行综述,旨在为准确诊断、及时治疗AMR提供依据,以保障移植肾和受者的长期存活。


    Abstract: Antibody-mediated rejection (AMR), also known as humoral rejection, is an immune injury caused by rejection involved with multiple humoral immune effectors, such as antibodies and complements, etc. AMR plays a pivotal role in hyperacute, acute and chronic rejection. In this article, the basic definition of AMR, the research progress and major achievements on AMR pathology according to Banff classification on allograft pathology (Banff classification), and main pathological characteristics of AMR in renal allograft were reviewed, aiming to provide reference for accurate diagnosis and timely treatment of AMR, and guarantee the long-term survival of renal graft and recipients.


