
Application progress on right posterior segmental graft for living donor liver transplantation

  • 摘要: 随着肝移植技术的发展,肝移植疗效显著提高,受者和移植物的存活率得到显著提升。但公民逝世后器官捐献仍不能满足肝移植需求,供肝短缺仍是阻碍肝移植进一步发展的关键因素。近年来,活体肝移植作为克服器官短缺的手段之一,广泛应用于终末期肝病患者的治疗。右后叶肝移植作为活体肝移植一种特殊类型,为进一步扩大活体肝移植潜在供者池提供了一种新的解决方案。本文从活体肝移植的发展概况、活体右后叶肝移植供者的选择、右后叶供肝获取的解剖学挑战以及右后叶供肝获取的手术技巧进行介绍,并对活体右后叶肝移植进行展望,以促进临床肝移植的进一步发展,造福更多终末期肝病患者。


    Abstract: Along with the development of liver transplant techniques, clinical efficacy of liver transplantation has been significantly improved, and the survival of the recipients and liver grafts has been remarkably prolonged. However, the source of organ donation after citizen' s death still fails to meet the requirement of liver transplantation. The shortage of donor liver limits further development of liver transplantation. In recent years, living donor liver transplantation has been widely used in the treatment of patients with end-stage liver disease as one of the means to resolve organ shortage. As a special type of living donor liver transplantation, right posterior segmental graft liver transplantation provides a novel solution for expanding the potential donor pool for living donor liver transplantation. In this article, the development profile of living donor liver transplantation, donor selection of right posterior segmental graft for living donor liver transplantation, anatomical challenges of right posterior segmental graft procurement and surgical skills of right posterior segmental graft procurement were reviewed. Moreover, the prospect of right posterior segmental graft for living donor liver transplantation was predicted, aiming to promote the development of liver transplantation in clinical practice and bring benefits to more patients with end-stage liver diseases.


